Summer might almost be over, but there are still a few weeks left to squeeze in a road trip or two, which means you might be wondering how to pass a few hours in the car. Break out the DVD player and get ready to learn with Spy House Productions and Gundersen Entertainment's recent release of Owlegories™ Vol. 3 – The Fire, The Duck, and The Seasons. Each episode is packed with fun ways to learn even more ways that God touches our lives every day and speaks to us through his beautiful creations in nature. No matter how young or old you are, these cute little owls can teach you to see the signs of God's love all around us and remember how special He thinks we are. With a special guest appearance from Uncle Sy of Duck Dynasty fame, Owlegories™ Vol. 3 – The Fire, TheDuck, and The Seasons is sure to give your little ones tons of fun and keep them busy while you keep your eyes on the road. Happy viewing!
For more information, visit're looking at the calendar and scratching your head about what the Easter Bunny might have up his sleeve this year when it's time to fill the baskets. Amazingly enough, the lovely people at Spy House Productions and Gundersen Entertainment have released Owlegories™ Vol. 2 – The Ant, The Fruit, and The Butterfly for your little one's viewing pleasure, which means that you won't have to resort to mountains of candy to keep the fun going. In fact, even if everyone's so hopped up on a sugar high that you think they'll never settle down again, this sweet little DVD will capture their attention and hold it, which means that you'll get some peace and quiet while they're learning some really cool ways that God's love is mirrored all throughout His marvelous creation and how we can carry out His plan for our lives. Watch the episodes with them for a reminder of your own––sometimes, no matter how old we are, we all need to take a childlike perception of things to get grounded. So sit down and take a lesson from the cute little owls who make up the cast of characters in these inspirational animated videos...and don't forget to share the chocolate bunnies.
For more information, visit
I’m not one to say this lightly, but this is one of those
instances that leaves me saying, “Oh, my God!” Not in the irreverent way, that
flippant manner so often employed in the common vernacular as a meaningless
phrase. Nope. This, “Oh, my God!” is a cry out, an exclamation of praise and
wonder inspired by the emotion evoked by Audrey Assad’s brand new album, Inheritance. Released February 12th,
this album is the re-imagining of well-known and well-loved hymns. Assad’s
ability to transform them into something truly hear-rending is amazing, and it
really will leave you uttering cries of praise, adoration, and exaltation to
the God who originally inspired the lyrics of these songs. Assad’s vocals are
reminiscent of such secular artists as Loreena McKennitt and Sarah McLachlan,
and the instrumentals lend a powerful backdrop that fully round out the experience.
This is one album not to be missed.
For more information on Audrey Assad and her album, Inheritance
(Fortunate Fall Records with Tone Tree Music distribution), visit