Bug Out!
Just because school's back in session doesn't mean the bugs have moved out...In fact, some of them are out in full force! Keep them away from all of your activities and relax these last days of summer...
Ladybugs might be considered a symbol of good luck, but they're way more than a pretty face. These colorful little bugs are secret weapons...If you have aphids on your roses or other plant-munching pests in your garden, unleash the ladybugs! Organic Control, Inc. (Orcon) provides growers and home gardeners with beneficial insects and other natural solutions to common gardening pest problems. Ladybugs eat aphids, mealy bugs, scale, leafhoppers and other destructive soft-bodied pests that can damage your plants. When ladybugs are released at sundown, they'll chow down on those pesty plant-eaters and lay eggs for even more ladybugs. Orcon Ladybugs are available in a variety of sizes, from containers of 1500 bugs ($15) to a gallon ($160). Visit organiccontrol.com
BugBand insect repellent products provide protection from biting insects while avoiding the risk associated with irritating pesticides. They're even kid, food, and pet-safe! BugBand repellent products use Geraniol, a plant‐based ingredient that has been proven effective in repelling a wide variety of insects, including mosquitoes, flies, gnats, no‐see‐ums, and fleas. BugBand’s sprays and towelettes are effective against ticks, as well. So what's Geraniol? It's a naturally occurring repellent extracted from geranium oil through a unique refining process. Try out BugBand insect repellent wristbands, pump sprays, towlettes (super-convenient for your purse or back-packs), and diffusers. Visit www.bugband.net
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