Surprise, surprise, once again I come shuffling back after a long absence to this space, my head slung low in shame that I have been so neglectful. What can I say, except that I am an unfit keeper of the Bloggosphere, an unworthy member of the community that others so eagerly contribute to...Or am I?
Actually, I do blog...quite regularly, in fact. But it's not for me––it's for work, to blog about a million things that I feel completely unqualified to write about. I fluff and fan and fill the page with words that will, ideally, generate clicks and clients, churning my brain into smithereens as I try my best to compose a post that will sound clear, professional-yet-approachable, and knowledgeable. I'm a posting poser, and sometimes I worry that I will run out of things to say, run dry of ways to re-spin the same load, find myself facing the blank page with no way out.
Little wonder, then, that when it comes to my own blog, the page so often goes unopened in the first place, so that its stark whiteness is not even an issue. I don't see it, so it doesn't see me.
Perhaps if I didn't take this space so seriously, I would't feel such a need to say only things that I feel need to be said. I would be better able to toss off the casual blurb without worry, but I'm not wired that way. I want the people who read what I write to feel like they got something from reading it. Like they can relate. I don't want to fill the space just to fill the space, so until I have something to say that I feel is worth putting out there for others to read, I won't. And I'll have to learn how to feel a little less guilty about the fact that somewhere out there, the pages of the Bloggosphere are being written; but mine hang back, untouched and white. Waiting, yes, but not impatiently.
Be patient, my dear readers, and I'll be back again soon...