Lists, lists, lists.
Sometimes I feel like I have lists for everything––even if they're not all formally written out. Some of them stay in my head, but those mental lists seem just as important as the ones I actually take the time to write out.
Oh, add that to the list: Organize Lists.
I have lists of things I expect of myself, lists of things I know my family expects from me, lists of things my friends expect, lists of things my job expects...Lists of things I think are expected from me...
And somehow, I always feel as though I'm forever adding to those lists and continually failing to properly complete the lists.
It's stressful and tiring. Not to mention depressing.
There's one thing I noticed in all my slavery to lists...God has a list for me, too. And, unlike most of the lists on my list, His list is pretty short: Love and serve Him. Despite the simplicity of His list, though, it often goes untended and gets put last as a priority. But really, if we take care of that list, the rest of the lists might become easier. God blesses us when we are obedient to Him. We just have to remember not to put His list last.