Thursday, November 29, 2012

Take a Whiff

Take a peek at any of the magazines on the rack right now, and they're all full of gift guides to help you out with your Christmas shopping. Chances are, one of the things they highly recommend is some kind of smelly something, like a nice new fragrance for your significant other. In fact, research shows that perfume and cologne sales enjoy a huge spike during the holiday season, when people in high buying gear. It got me thinking...smells are important.
Smells have strong emotions and memories and associations attached.
Smells are, in a way, the Rorschach test of the nose.
Think about it. 
You encounter a smell, and you're instantly transported to another time, another place, another feeling.
What comes to mind when you smell cookies baking?
What do you feel when you smell your mother's perfume?
What do you remember when you smell baby powder?
Sometimes, its just a flash of thought that we don't even register. A memory will slip in and out without us even pausing to savor it, to look at it and feel something.
And we should.
After all, who we are is shaped by our pasts, our memories.
So take a deep breath and smell something.
It doesn't necessarily have to be roses.

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