Thursday, November 22, 2012

Your Stuffing is Showing

Ahhh, Thanksgiving Day.
It's evening, and by now, most of us have consumed the Meal of the Day and cleared all evidence away. There is, of course, the occasional wander into the kitchen to pick at the leftover contents of the fridge (but only when nobody is looking)...but by and large, we're all set for the rest of the night. 
Than again, the pumpkin pie on the counter might be feeling a little bit lonely in a couple more hours...
So what, other than consuming the much-awaited-meal, did you do today?
Did you visit with family and friends?
Did you make a thousand phone calls?
Did you set up camp on the sofa and watch special "holiday programming"?
Did you boot up the computer, crack your knuckles, and prepare yourself for all the Black Friday sales starting online today?
Did you take a disco nap in prep for getting out of bed at o-dark-thirty for the impending insanity at the mall?
In all of it, did you stop and remember to say Thank you? 
Thank you to the God who gave you food, family, home, health, and money? 
Thank you to the people in your life for being there? 
Thank you to all the people who work at those crazy sales everyone waits all year for?
Thank you to the people who protect and serve so that we can breathe a little easier every day?
What are you thankful for, this year, especially––and are you showing it?
Take a lesson from the turkey––let your stuffing show.

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