Friday, May 31, 2013

Watered Down

Oh, how I love running water. Real live, running water moving swiftly through the channels of the water system and up though the pipes into my apartment and out of my faucets. It really is amazing what you take for granted until you don't have such free and easy access to it, isn't it?

We have running water available at a whim (usually), yet we don't realize how blessed we are for that when we turn on our taps. But how many parts of our everyday existence are dependent on those little molecules of hydrogen and oxygen? We can't make coffee, wash our hands, flush the toilet, run our laundry...We are stunted, stalled by dry pipes and useless taps. 

Try washing your hair or making oatmeal without water. You won't get very far. And water is only one example of the things that flow so freely and easily without our notice. We are a country of easy access and fast results, and we demand without ever giving thought to the fact that we don't actually deserve these things more than anyone else does. What entitles us to better medical care than someone in a developing country? What gives us the right to have electricity in our homes when some people can't even get access to candles? We waste without notice and use without gratitude. 

If we gave some of our riches to the people of these third-world countries, they would hardly know what to do, so happy would they be. They are poor in things, but rich in gratitude for the little "conveniences" of our daily lives. We are rich in things, but poor in gratitude.

Turn on your water and take a minute to marvel at the miracle, and say thank you for the gift that is running down your drain.

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