I don't know about the rest of you, but I was seriously tempted to skip the voting booth today. But then, there was that annoying little voice in my head that wouldn't shut up about what an invaluable privilege it is to vote. So many people in the world still don't have that right––especially women––and how ungrateful is it of me to shove side that right simply because it can be slightly inconvenient? I want my voice to count, even if it seems, on the face of things, to be inconsequential. If every one of us felt that way, no one would show up at the voting booths...and then all those cheery senior citizens who guard the election halls would have nothing to talk about. After all, there's only so much time you can fill discussing soap opera plots now that the networks have so brutally axed their daytime line-ups in favor of talk show panels. But oh, goodness me, did you see what that lady was wearing yesterday on The View? Obviously, Victoria has no more Secrets....
Maybe someone needs to make things more interesting...like cuter "I Voted" stickers....
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