Monday, November 12, 2012

A little note of thanks...

So it's Monday...Again. But it's not just another Manic Monday. At least, it shouldn't be. After all, today is the day we're supposed to stop and reflect and thank those wonderful men and women who keep us safe. Those people in uniform who protect us and have defended our way of life and the freedoms we often take for granted. Like the right to vote. The right to pray. The right to make our own decisions about what we wear, who we marry, where we live, where we work...What would we do without our military? Take a few minutes and say thank you to the men and women who serve. Post a Facebook note, pick up the something as simple as smile. Let them know that they have your respect and your gratitude. 

This may seem like just another Monday, but this is also the beginning of a brand new week. A week full of possibilities that might not have existed without the sacrifice and service of those men and women.

Thank you.

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