Sunday, December 1, 2013

Pink is the New Green

Black Friday is but a distant memory, and Cyber Monday is creeping around the corner. Actually, I should probably amend that. It seems to be stomping up and boldly declaring its early arrival. Yup. Cyber Monday has already begun, and it's only Sunday. Seriously, I think these people never got a handle on the whole concept of calendars and days of the week. Maybe they need to go back to school...

Oh, well. I don't make the rules, and it seems no one has any plans of letting me make them...not that that's necessarily a bad thing. Not sure I could handle the pressure of being an official "rule maker." I'm enough of a control freak as it is, so why add fuel to the fire?

But I'm straying away––oh so far away––from my intended topic, so I'm going to try to get back on track. Black Friday was actually a success for me this year. Yay! Not only did I score some deals and get some much needed Christmas shopping taken care of, I also got to spend some very much needed and long overdue time with my beautiful sister. Good for me, hopefully good for her, and good for the to do list. A win-win all around, if I do say so myself. 

Steps made in the right direction, as far as feeling festive, too. It's always nice to see things decked out for the season, to start seeing the proliferation of Christmas lights on people's houses and all of the bits and baubles that signal the upcoming holiday. I just wish I was hearing more Christmas music...

Last night, I got to check one more thing off my list in my quest to make my mood more Merry. I found my tree! It's four feet of pinked-out pre-lit bliss. Now I just have to take it out of the box.... 

Twenty-four days left...

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