Saturday, September 28, 2013

Tweet Tweet

I've become a certified member of the Twitter-verse. Not that I really wanted to or anything, but because I felt like it was in my professional best interest to do so. Granted, I could certainly be hitting the Tweet button more often than I do, since I only do it about once a day, if that. But I really don't think I have that much to Tweet about, and I refuse to be one of those nut-jobs who Tweets about everything, from what they ate for breakfast to how many times they blew their nose. Who cares? If you have a valid opinion about something or see something truly interesting, sure, by all means, Tweet away. Tweet to your heart's content. But if you'r just spewing random things just to feel important, keep your fingers to yourself and stop the Twitter-feed!

Admittedly, it does get a little addictive to see how many followers you have (I currently have 31!!!), but don't abuse the system. Make use of it. Use it wisely, or else you'll find yourself either Unfollowed or Followed simply because you're like a train-wreck: people just can't look away and are fascinated by your complete and total idiocy. Yes, there are those. Plenty of those.

Make yourself stand out. Use your 140 characters to your very best advantage, and you won't be just another bird on the wire.

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